What Is The Future Of The Internet?

What Is The Future Of The Internet?

Only a fool would tell you that the internet is not one of the biggest phenomena in the whole wide world. For starters, there are significantly more than five billion users of the network of networks (yes, that is exactly what we call it as it is such a big network!). To give you an idea of how big that number would be, let us tell you that the number of all the people in the world (including babies, adolescents, and adults) totals up to eight billion. Considering how the internet is much more accessible in the United States of America than in other parts of the world, you can imagine that the 5-out-of-8 ratio of internet usage will be much higher in this country at the very least.

The internet not only connects a lot of people but it also connects a ton of devices. There are as many as 35 billion devices connected to the platform. Want another crazy stat about how popular the internet is? According to the World Factbook of the Central Intelligence Agency, there are more than seven thousand providers of internet services operating under the banner of the star-spangled flag. By providers, we mean brands, like Comcast Internet, that are responsible for the distribution of the global network in exchange for money.

Quoting numbers is not the only way we can prove that the internet is increasingly important; we can also easily figure out why the internet is important by looking at how we spend our days. We wake up to the sound of alarms and immediately after that, we check online instant messaging apps to see if someone has messaged us. We then proceed to ask Alexa to utilize the internet and tell us whether it is hot or cold outside. After all, we need to choose what to wear. On our way to the office, we make use of the global network in a way that we get to know the shortest distance to it (we can count for the same on the way back as well).

While we are at the office, we use the internet for work-related stuff such as using online tools as well as non-work-related stuff such as communicating with the folks at the house. Once we come back, we use it to stream the preferred episodes of our favorite television shows and the most popular movies. As more inventions take place, you can expect more financial innovation related to the internet. For example, when cable internet was invented, telecom service providers started to bundle up internet and TV packages. One instance of this can be seen in the Xfinity Double Play plans. These plans feature both the internet and cable television. This way, subscribers can save money and Internet service provider can get more business.

In short, the internet is hugely important. And when something is so influential, it is bound to be talked about. While some discuss the impact of the global phenomenon, others discuss what its future is. Are you part of the latter group? If that is the case, then you must read this article completely. We say this because we will be elaborating upon the different aspects of the internet of the future.

More Financial Innovation

As more inventions take place, you can expect more financial innovation related to the internet. For example, when cable internet was invented, telecom service providers started to bundle up internet and TV packages. One instance of this can be seen in the Xfinity Double Play plans. These plans feature both the internet and cable television. This way, subscribers can save money and internet service providers can get more business.

Increase In The Number of Users

We already told you that the number of internet users is above 5 billion. You know what that number was a decade ago back in 2012?  That number was half the size at 2.4 billion! Given the sharp rise, you can imagine that the internet will grow even more at a fast rate as the technology that enables it becomes more accessible to the relatively remote areas. Upon research, we found out that the number of people connected to the internet is also expected to rise up to 7.5 billion by the year 2030.

Growth In The Internet of Things

Statista is a global organization that has been reporting statistics that impact the global community for well over a decade. According to it, there will be a whopping total of 24.1 billion Internet of Things-connected devices by 2030. In 2019, that figure was only 7.74 billion.

Wrapping Up

We hope this has given you a better idea of the future of the internet.