We strive for completely genuine headlines and verify every news item that appears on the site. Rumors and insider reports are clearly labeled to help our readers differentiate between factual information and industry talk.
Before putting together each post, we double-check that the information is up-to-date and trustworthy. It is standard practice for us to thoroughly research our topics and then return to the primary source material before beginning any writing (and any relevant reference material). We need unwavering confirmation before making such a bold statement, regardless of whether or not other media outlets have presented unverified information as official confirmation.
We never post anything only to get a click. Our headlines may be pompous, but we never generalize for the sake of it. It must be checked to ensure its accuracy.
Our authors and editors have years of experience in the industry, so you can rest assured that every new item will be up-to-date, accurate, and full of relevant details. When we are the first to report on something, we always follow the most basic of journalistic norms.
Thinking About the Big Picture
We still stress the importance of research, objectivity, and developing a compelling argument when evaluating feature articles (and when drawing out a conclusion or theory, considering and including relevant counter-arguments). By taking this approach, we’ll be able to cover more ground and give readers the information they need before they even have an issue.